I have been reading kryon website (www.kryon.com) since the year 1995. A new post is added to this website every month. And in every post, the human entity bringing in this channeled information, Mr Lee Carroll speaks of earth changes taking place on the planet.
What is astonishing to the human mind, bombarded from all over with negative news, is the single message repeatede every month, that is hard to believe. The changes taking place are for the better, and that there is new energy arriving on earth that is going to alter the way we see life and the way we live life.
I will be sharing some more views of Kryon that resonate with me. Today, I am sharing here one topic as discussed in the Kryon channel that is very sweet for me, it is the concept of OLD SOUL.
" Those of you who are old souls are connected to others who are old souls. Did you know that? The connection is esoteric and not physical. It's your esoteric family. Listen, there are many old souls in places that are not pristine, and that are not fresh at all. Think of those in the Middle East on either side of the situation. They sit upon land that is always ripe with trouble. They live on layer after layer of horror. As far down as they dig, they find other cities that were conquered and taken with great sorrow and death. What chance do they have when they go into a meditative state? How can they get to a place of even neutrality of consciousness? How can they begin to create a peaceful countenance that comes with a pristine energy? The answer? I'll tell you for the first time: The Field is harmonizing them together.
They can go into a meditative state and have an alliance with what is in your area because you are there holding it. They can feel the absolute beauty, freshness and virginity of the land. The connection with Gaia that is in these places can be used by them, and they're not even there! The reason is because those who are in those places are transmitting it to them without even knowing it. This is part of what the old soul does that is new and very esoteric. So if you live in one of these places anywhere on the planet, and are aware of these things, you are being what I call a lighthouse - a transmitter for what you have that they don't have but desperately need. This is important for you to know. In troubled places all over the planet, they are being helped because you live in one of these areas and are holding this energy for them".
What is astonishing to the human mind, bombarded from all over with negative news, is the single message repeatede every month, that is hard to believe. The changes taking place are for the better, and that there is new energy arriving on earth that is going to alter the way we see life and the way we live life.
I will be sharing some more views of Kryon that resonate with me. Today, I am sharing here one topic as discussed in the Kryon channel that is very sweet for me, it is the concept of OLD SOUL.
" Those of you who are old souls are connected to others who are old souls. Did you know that? The connection is esoteric and not physical. It's your esoteric family. Listen, there are many old souls in places that are not pristine, and that are not fresh at all. Think of those in the Middle East on either side of the situation. They sit upon land that is always ripe with trouble. They live on layer after layer of horror. As far down as they dig, they find other cities that were conquered and taken with great sorrow and death. What chance do they have when they go into a meditative state? How can they get to a place of even neutrality of consciousness? How can they begin to create a peaceful countenance that comes with a pristine energy? The answer? I'll tell you for the first time: The Field is harmonizing them together.
They can go into a meditative state and have an alliance with what is in your area because you are there holding it. They can feel the absolute beauty, freshness and virginity of the land. The connection with Gaia that is in these places can be used by them, and they're not even there! The reason is because those who are in those places are transmitting it to them without even knowing it. This is part of what the old soul does that is new and very esoteric. So if you live in one of these places anywhere on the planet, and are aware of these things, you are being what I call a lighthouse - a transmitter for what you have that they don't have but desperately need. This is important for you to know. In troubled places all over the planet, they are being helped because you live in one of these areas and are holding this energy for them".
If the reader feels drawn to this concept of Old Soul, here is the link to the original article : http://www.kryon.com/CHAN2016/k_channel16_lanchorage.html