Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wisdom of the Old Man

Many years ago, in a poor Chinese village, there lived a farmer and his son. His only material possession, apart from the land and a small hut, was a horse he had inherited from his father.

One day, the horse ran away, leaving the man with no animal with which to work the land.

His neighbours, who respected him for his honesty and diligence, went to his house to say how much they regretted his loss. He thanked them for their visit, but asked:

"How do you know that what happened was a misfortune in my life?"Someone muttered to a friend: "He obviously doesn't want to face facts, but let him think what he likes, after all, it's better than being sad about it."
And the neighbours went away again, pretending to agree with what he had said.

A week later, the horse returned to its stable, but it was not alone; it brought with it a beautiful mare for company.

The inhabitants of the village were thrilled when they heard the news, for only then did they understand the reply the man had given them, and they went back to the farmer's house to congratulate him on his good fortune.

"Instead of one horse, you've got two. Congratulations!" they said.
"Many thanks for your visit and for your solidarity," replied the farmer. "But how do you know that what happened was a blessing in my life?"

The neighbours were rather put out and decided that the man must be going mad, and, as they left, they said: "Doesn't the man realise that the horse is a gift from God?"

A month later, the farmer's son decided to break the mare in. However, the animal bucked wildly and threw the boy off; the boy fell awkwardly and broke his leg.

The neighbours returned to the farmer's house, bringing presents for the injured boy. The mayor of the village solemnly presented his condolences to the father, saying how sad they all were about what had occurred.

The man thanked them for their visit and for their kindness, but he asked:

"How do you know that what happened was a misfortune in my life?"
These words left everyone dumbstruck, because they were all quite sure that the son's accident was a real tragedy. As they left the farmer's house, they said to each other: "Now he really has gone mad; his only son could be left permanently crippled, and he's not sure whether the accident was a misfortune or not!"

A few months went by, and Japan declared war on China. The emperor's emissaries scoured the country for healthy young men to be sent to the front.

When they reached the village, they recruited all the young men, except the farmer's son, whose leg had not yet mended.

None of the young men came back alive. The son recovered, and the two horses produced foals that were all sold for a good price.

The farmer went to visit his neighbours to console and to help them, since they had always shown him such solidarity.

Whenever any of them complained, the farmer would say: "How do you know that what happened was a misfortune?"

If someone was overjoyed about something, he would ask: "How do you know that what happened was a blessing?"
And the people of the village came to understand that life has other meanings that go beyond mere appearance. It has to be clearly understood that everything happens with the will of God. Its not by chance or by luck, instead it is as per God's perfect plan even if we do not understand it.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Selacia – April’s Uncertainty And your Next Big Leap – 4 April 2014

SelaciaMost likely you are feeling a bit restless and uncertain as April begins – not knowing how the month’s intense energies will play out in your life.
To be sure, as I’ve been writing about on Facebook recently, April’s energies can leave even the most grounded person unglued and in a state of ongoing disquiet. Two eclipses in one month – any time – will catalyze a roller coaster ride. In April, though, with the additional rare grand cross planetary configuration building for decades, it may feel more like an upside-down wild mouse ride.
Here are some suggestions for moving through this cycle with more ease and fewer missteps you will need to address later. If you did not see my last article with specifics on April’s wild ride – including dates of eclipses and the grand cross – please see the Archive on the home page of http://www.Selacia.com.
Use Uncertainty as a Gift
No one likes to be uncertain, unable to figure out current and future happenstance. It’s in our conditioning to want to know what’s up and where we are headed. When we feel like the road in front of us has a huge fog bank spreading out in all directions and obscuring our view, we can panic. There are gifts, though, described here.
Gift One. Consider the blessings of the fog bank. Yes, there are some. One gift is that the voice of uncertainty within you can catalyze your next big leap forward!
How? If you pay attention with consciousness to this voice, it can catalyze a deeper questioning within. This can give you an expanded understanding of what is not working in your life, and help you to see new remedies not visible before.
Gift Two. Here’s another gift. Uncertainty you feel in April can be a signal from your intuition to steer clear of something not in your highest good. Perhaps you have had intuitive hunches for months about a decision or potential action, but you misread them as signs the timing just wasn’t yet right. April could be the month, however when you finally have clarity with a long-term view – indicating that your planned action would not get you where you want to go.
Keep in mind, of course, that uncertainty is sometimes your ego. That’s different and you want to learn to discern the difference. Feeling uncertain with ego running your mind and emotional responses can lead to a circling of unproductive thoughts that keep you stuck and afraid to take action.
If you discover this happening, there is a solution. You can break the circle by overriding this self-created loop and taking action on what is in front of you – one thing at a time. This is how you take back your power.
Here’s an interesting dynamic to note. It is human nature to feel uncertain when things suddenly and sometimes unexpectedly change. The energies of April are catalyzing these kinds of changes.
Some of what will be occurring may throw you off guard, even if it has no direct impact on you. It’s simply unsettling to know that so much is happening so fast around the world or to people you know – things that you did not expect to happen.
Likewise, some of what will be occurring will in fact be welcome news, evoking feelings like you might have when the sun comes out after a long gloomy winter. An outer world example could be hearing that a loved one you haven’t seen for years is coming across the country on an unplanned business trip. You love the idea of spending time with him or her, but the unexpected visit means that your already full schedule needs to be adjusted.
Gift Three. Here’s a third gift. April’s wild ride of energies can feel like your undoing or you can approach it with an open mind and a willingness to shift old methods. Consider, then, how you can be more allowing and in the moment with what shows up. Become mindful of when you are in your head and intellectualizing solutions – and invite spirit to help you let go.
Life is an evolving process that you can only truly appreciate from your heart space. Your rational mind cannot make sense of the quantum eternal realms, but it will try to figure things out and control every detail. Enjoy more peace with a heart focus. Your gift is shifting to a new fueling system that is heart centered.
There are many things you simply cannot know in advance. Some things, however, are constant and eternal – you can count on them to exist when you get to future points in time. Among these: your true nature is divine, you are light, and you exist as a multidimensional being. You can forget these things, but at each juncture, they are intrinsic to who you really are. No one can take them away and you cannot lose them. Trust this.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.  from newsletter

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Living from the HEART

There is something different in the air this year during the equinox gateway that officially began March 20. This energy gateway open through the weekend – its ripples felt long afterwards – is a kind of spiritual crossroads.
This current spiritual crossroads, impacting you and all of humanity, is an opportunity to initiate a significant change in course direction.

As you know, the world indeed needs to change course – in dramatic ways – for humanity to thrive and survive in subsequent generations. We are at that choice point now. We are deciding with our individual and joint energies what kind of world we will have.

The world you are here to help birth is a loving world – a place in which people have remembered that they are divine and that the most important thing is love. To birth this, we must choose love in an ongoing way – not from our minds, but from our hearts.

This choosing needs to occur all across the planet right now. Your role at this juncture is for you to personally choose love and to stay calm as you discover your own blocks to being the love that you are. Everyone has them, so this is not personal to you. These blocks to love often originate in past lives, leaving imprints in your DNA – surfacing during this life as you attempt to reclaim your power and your voice.

More than perhaps any year in the past half century, energy gateways like equinox contain within them an increased potential for shifting out of stuck places and for bringing to light key insights needed before you can take the next important steps of your journey. They are an opportunity to fearlessly face your spiritual crossroads of the moment.

5 Tips to Stay Calm

Here are five tips to stay calm at this unique spiritual crossroads. Invite your inner wisdom to speak to you as you read, helping you to connect with the most relevant and timely information.

First, when you feel shaky or uncertain, remember that you are building a brand-new foundation for your life and contributing to the revolutionary new template for a more loving humanity. Acknowledge yourself for this, stay present, and breathe!

Second, when you face a crossroads like this with amplified energy, the tempo of things may feel turned up and you may even feel a bit dizzy. Avoid losing your focus and getting caught up in the world’s illusions by staying grounded and in your heart. It is there that you can connect with the music of your soul, bringing that divine sound out into the world.

Third, remember that spiritual crossroads tend to magnify issues and to catalyze your intense desire to be all that you can be. Even if you don’t know exactly what that “is” right now, you could feel an amplified frustration that you aren’t yet at the next stage. Therefore, keep things simple. Complex situations and unknowables are best addressed from a balanced spiritual perspective that allows for simplicity and grace. You tap simplicity and grace by avoiding overthinking and making things a bigger deal than they really are.

Fourth, lighten up and think of the bigger picture. Stay calm by letting go of the need to know all the details of things. A less-serious approach will soothe your ruffled feathers and get things in perspective.

Fifth, know that it’s normal right now to sometimes feel immobilized by not knowing what’s going to happen. This is part of the spiritual path during these unique moments of time. The crazier things appear in the outer world, people’s doubts and fears tend to get catalyzed. When you are in fear, you may discount what you already know and worry that you are somehow “behind.” Calm yourself right now by remembering the truth: you are encoded at a DNA level to be here now and to discover how to fully express your divine power and authentic voice. You are no accidental visitor. There is a divine spark within you, along with a deep wisdom that will guide you through the unknowns and into the light.

Copyright 2014 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.  Link to original article

Thursday, February 27, 2014

As I Begin to Love Myself - Charlie Chaplin

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering
are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.
Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody
As I try to force my desires on this person,
even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it,
and even though this person was me.
Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life,
and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow.
Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance,
I am in the right place at the right time,
and everything happens at the exactly right moment.
So I could be calm.
Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit steeling my own time,
and I stopped designing huge projects for the future.
Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do
and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm.
Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health -
food, people, things, situations, and everything the drew me down and away from myself.
At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism.
Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right,
and ever since I was wrong less of the time.
Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worry about the future.
Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening.
Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me
and it can make me sick.
But As I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally.
Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems
with ourselves or others.
Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born.
Today I know THAT IS “LIFE”!

by;Charlie Chaplin

Monday, February 24, 2014

There was a group of 50 people attending a seminar.

The speaker stopped suddenly and started giving each one a balloon.

And He asked each one to write his/her name on the balloon using a marker pen.

Then the speaker collected all the balloons and put in another room.

The participants were asked to find the balloon which had their name within 5 minutes.

Everyone searched the balloon with his/her name in a hurry, everyone pushed another resulting in chaos.Five minutes passed and no one was able to find his/her balloon.

Then He asked the participants to pick up any balloon give it to the person whose name was written on it.Within minutes, all the participants had the balloons with their names in their hands.

Moral of the story : Real Happiness lies in making others happy.
Deep down We are all looking for happiness.